Business as Usual – Covid-19 Measures
In light of the government guidelines in relation Covid-19, F V Harty & Co Solicitors are taking steps to ensure uninterrupted service whilst preserving the safety of our clients and colleagues. During this period, where possible, we would ask that all correspondence is sent electronically. Post sent in the usual way will still be dealt with however many of our staff will be working from home to implement social distancing guidelines. We are fully enabled to work remotely therefore our safety measures will not impact upon our service.
The Courts Service of Ireland announced last Friday that all civil matters are to be adjourned until further notice. If this affects your case, you will be notified.
The Injuries Board announced that all medical appointments arranged by them have been cancelled and we are contacting clients affected to ensure they are aware of this. These will be rescheduled in due course.
Many other appointments arranged for our clients, have been cancelled or reformatted to video call or zoom sessions and we are contacting the clients affected in this regard. If you have an appointment coming up soon and have not heard from us, do not hesitate to contact the office to confirm same. As you will appreciate, we are contacting those affected in order of appointment date.
During this time, we are restricting attendance at our offices to essential appointments only, therefore if your consultation can be carried out by telephone or video call then it will be. We appreciate your understanding in this.
At present a lot of businesses are likely to adopt similar distancing measures therefore we would remind you not to relax your guard in relation to cyber-crime. Always check bank details sent by email by telephone as well before making a bank transfer to anyone.
Thank you for your co-operation.